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Our Daily Schedule


7:10-7:40 Arrival, unpacking

7:40- 7:45  BNN, wash hands


7:45-8:15 Greeting Circle: (Unite, Disengage the Stress Response, Connect, Commit, Morning Meeting)


8:15-8:20 Moving & Learning 

8:20-8:35 Story #1

8:35-8:40 Phonological Awareness


8:40- 8:50 Music and Movement


8:50-9:10 Small Groups 


9:10-9:40 Outside Time


9:40-9:55 Wash hands/snack


9:55-10:15 Math


10:15-10:30 Feelings Buddies / SEL

10:30-11:35 Center Time (includes planning for centers)

11:35 -11:45 Clean up

11:45 -11:55 Wash hands/Transition to lunch

11:58 -12:28 Lunch 

12:28 -12:45 Story # 2 (opportunity to use bathroom)

12:45 -1:45 Rest Time

1:45-2:00 Large Group Literacy

2:00-2:15 Closing Circle

2:15-2:20 Pack up/Dismissal

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